Trust Your Parental Instincts (You’re Probably Right)
When is the right time to talk to a professional about my child’s development?
Determining whether or not your child needs help with their speech and language development is a shared process between caregiver and professional. If you are reading on, our guess would be that you already have some concerns. Maybe you’ve thought (or have been told) that you should wait and see, or oh, they’ll grow out of it, or that’s just boys being boys. Or, perhaps you’ve already experienced someone telling you your child needs to try harder or they need to listen better. These are all common, but often misguided, pieces of advice. It is true that children develop at different rates. However, there is one commonality that parents of children of all ages who come to see us have. That is, they have a concern about their child.
Trust your intuition as a parent.
The parent’s intuition is a strong and oftentimes accurate indicator that a speech and language problem is present. If you have concerns, a screening or an evaluation is an effective way to determine whether your child could benefit from speech therapy.